Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Observations of Seattle: Volume 1

Moving from Mississippi to Seattle has been, as expected, a fascinating experience.  Instead of dull, flat expanses of spindly pine trees, I now see mountains and giant evergreens on a daily basis.  I haven't seen a single Confederate flag in over a month.

In Mississippi, you often must go out of your way to recycle.  In Seattle, every restaurant is required to have separate bins for recycling, food/compost, and garbage (the container for which is always labeled "LANDFILL").

For the first time in my life, I find myself using the parking brake.  Every time I park.

Strangers have a habit of warning me about the winter to come when I mention I just moved here from the south.  The fall/winter/spring months are treated like an annual curse by Seattleites -- the price they must pay to experience the beautiful summers.

One of the few things I remember in detail about Dark Angel, which was set in post-apocalyptic Seattle, is that all of the characters drove dirty Pontiac Aztecs.  Actually, James Cameron, the Seattle of the dystopian future would be full of dirty Priuses.  Everyone drives a Prius.  Even the taxis are Priuses.

I love it here.  Most of the people are laid-back and friendly.  The city has a ridiculous amount of music, theatre, and art to explore.  It might be a completely perfect place, if only cigarettes didn't cost nine dollars a pack.